March 4 2025: I'm closing the domain this site was originally, and bought
July 7 2024: Made a new set of graphics. Also, I have closed the "online" section in Serennau and moved it here.
June 2 2023: Removed the webrings page and the Georing, a ring I had started for ex-Geo sites. No one joins webrings anymore. The only webring site left is webringo, and most of that is full of spam sites. So sad.
June 1 2020: On the move again and doing some sprucing up with a different graphics set.
June 15 2016: I've had to move the site to another webhost, so some spring-cleaning has been going on.
April 15 2013: I've bought a new domain for this site and found some space on one of my resellers. So it's all go again!
April 20 2009: The last update was in june 2002, so it's high time there was another! I've redone the graphics and added the "In Geocities" page. I am very sentimental about this site, so I think I will be keeping it, despite having more domains that any sane person should have! (This referred to the revised site I made for Geocities, just before they announced that they were closing.)